Cuxton Countryside Group exists to maintain and keep open our local footpaths, through volunteer participation and we were formed in 1995.
We also assist in woodland management plans, mainly during the winter months, and are keen to initiate willing people into how to enjoy and respect our superb surrounding countryside.
Your enthusiasm will be translated into trained, supervised action (coppicing for hazel dormice, flower and plant surveying, dead hedging, way marking, Installing benches and community work etc).
Where possible, we encourage you to identify trees/plants etc when you are out volunteering with us. You can then be satisfied with your involvement, and see the value of your work whenever and wherever you stroll!
We also coordinate a “Beating the Bounds” of the Cuxton Parish and organise walks and social events (BBQ etc).
We encourage you to follow the Countryside Code and keep to recognised footpaths in your enjoyment within our spectacular North Downs.
Contact Jan Batley on 01634 712157 for further details,
or email :- ccg.volunteers@hotmail.com