My Community Voice
My Community Voice is a messaging service that helps Kent and Medway residents, businesses, and community groups to keep in touch with their local policing teams. The service sends updates about your local area directly from the police officers themselves.
My Community Voice is more than just a messaging service; it allows you to reply to the alerts we send you, share information and tell us about the issues affecting you.
We are committed to engaging with communities to increase trust and confidence and to help protect people from harm. Police, partners and the public working together can build resilient and safe communities, and both reduce and prevent crime.
You will be able to play an active part in police appeals as well as keeping updated in what is happening in your local area.
Reporting Crime
If you need to report crime:
- Call 101 (or 999 for an emergency)
- Report online at: (Report a crime, incident or non-injury collision in minutes and receive a confirmation email and reference number immediately).
Cuxton’s Police Community Support Team
PCSO: Kailey Norton
Sergeant: Stephen Holpin
Inspector: Joel Mitchell
Our PCSO’s cover Strood North, South and Cuxton/Halling which is a large area, and therefore reports to the police are prioritised and the police staff are then requested to follow up.
If you need to report crime: call 101 (or 999 for an emergency) or report online at: (Report a crime, incident or non-injury collision in minutes and receive a confirmation email and reference number immediately).
All incidents must be reported to the police, otherwise Cuxton’s response provision will be planned accordingly, and Cuxton will not be seen as a priority.
Kent Police – Cuxton and Halling
Cuxton Parish Council schedule public ‘surgeries’ with our local PCSO’s whenever there is felt to be a need in the community, connecting residents directly with the PCSO’s to discuss local matters.