M2 slip road at Junction 2 for Strood and Rochester will stay closed for several more weeks according to the following article from KM news... "A key slip road off the M2 is likely to remain...
Crime Commissioner’s Policing Survey
The Kent Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Scott, publishes a Policing Survey at this time every year. It measures how safe people feel where they live, whether they trust the police and how...
Medway Local Plan Regulation 18 response
Please click on the link below to read the Cuxton Parish Council response to the Medway Local Plan Regulation 18 consultation... Medway Local Plan response...
5 Steps to become better prepared
Kent and Medway Resilience Forum (KMRF) has produced a 5-step guide with simple actions that residents can take to be better prepared for emergencies that may impact them, such as severe weather,...
Lower Thames Crossing Consultation Events
The Lower Thames Crossing are holding a series of events at community halls and shopping centres in September and October to give you the chance to chat with their team. These events will provide...
Your Medway: Your Future: Your Say
Your Medway: Your Future: Your Say The latest consultation on Medway’s emerging Local Plan consultation sends on Sunday, 8 September 2024. You'll have a chance to comment on: Proposed...
Motorcycle Theft Prevention Event
Following this, officers from the Medway Community Safety Unit will be holding the first of a number of crime prevention events relating to motorcycle thefts, in conjunction with Motorcycle Action...
Kent & Medway Recovery and Wellbeing College Autumn Prospectus
PROSPECTUS Recovery College_Autumn 24 FINALKent & Medway Recovery and Wellbeing College are bringing a range of new health and wellbeing courses to Medway and Swale, held at Rochester Adult...
Medway Local Plan Consultation Events
The Hundred of Hoo Academy date: Tuesday 23 July 2024 time: 5.30pm to 8pm location: Main Road, Hoo, Rochester ME3 9HH. The Rochester Corn Exchange date: Tuesday 6 August 2024 ...
Ranscombe / Plant Life Update
Regular visitors to Ranscombe will have no doubt noticed new fencing appearing in the area in the south of the reserve known as the Valley. The purpose of this is to eventually enable management by...