
Casual Vacancy July 2021

Casual Vacancy Cuxton Parish Council now carry a Casual Vacancy and wish to recruit someone onto the council. Could this be you? Are you interested in serving your local community? Do you...

Traffic Light Trial Survey Results

On the 23rd June, we shared a survey via social media regarding the use of the controllers for the existing traffic lights on the A228, to mediate the flow of traffic allowing easier access to and...

Letter to The Kentish Wine Vault 4 June 2021

This letter was sent following a meeting with the vineyard. We understand these questions will be addressed at the public consultation on 23 June 2021. You can book a place via their website...

Vineyard Update 2.06.21

Vineyard Meeting Summary On the 27 May, members of Cuxton Parish Councillors along with our Medway Councillor, Matt Fearn, and residents of Upper Bush were invited to a virtual meeting with the...

Vineyard Update 17.05.21

Cuxton Parish Council have been actively engaged with the Vineyard company since the autumn of 2019.  The Chairman attended 2 informal meetings between the company and the chairman and clerks of...