- 8 December 2021 – planning application heard at Medway Council Planning Committee Meeting
Protesters outside Medway Council offices 8 December 2021 Parish councillors and local residents protested outside the Medway Council buildings prior to Medway Planning Committee meeting which was scheduled to consider the Kentish Wine Vault application for Bush Valley. The public gallery was full and over 200 people watched the live stream of the meeting. Initially the presentation from the senior planning officer was in favour of the application but the questions and the discussion from members of the committee were more supportive of the concerns of Cuxton residents and the Parish Council. They wanted more information before coming to a decision about the planning application and as a result the decision was deferred until January. They have also asked for a site visit as some members were not familiar with Bush Road or Bush Valley.
The Parish Council were commended on the quality of their objections and it was evident in the discussion that both political parties had reservations about approving this planning application because of the issues raised by Cuxton residents. The Parish Council continues to work with residents to prepare more information to support the view that the proposed development should not be built in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or accessed primarily from Bush Rd. - December 2021 – Cllr Hutchfield, Cllr Jackson and residents were interviewed by KMTV
Cllr Hutchfield and Cllr Jackson being interviewed by KMTV - November 2021 – CPC_Response to Kentish Wine Vault Planning Application_18112021
- September 2021 – CPC_Response to Kentish Wine Vault Planning Application MC_21_2328_17092021
- June 2021 -letter from Wine vault to council Kentish Wine Vault- Response to Cuxton Parish Council 210621
- June 2021 – letter vineyard 04062021
Useful Links
- Kentish Wine Vault consultation website
- Medway Planning Portal